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ECOSFARM(Guangzhou) Bio-Technologies Co., ltd

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Specification: Glyphosate 95%TC ,41% SL (480g/L),75.7%WG
Detail: Glyphosate is a broad spectrum, non-selective systemic foliar applied herbicide for control of annual and perennial grass and broad leaved weeds in agriculture, non-crop and industrial areas. Inactivated on contact with soil. ...

2, 4-d amine salt
2, 4-d amine salt
Specification: formulations range from 50g to 25kg , and liquid formulations ra
Detail: 2, 4-D, a chlorinated phenoxy compound, is a highly selective herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds. Once absorbed 2, 4-D is translocated within the plant and accumulates at the growing points of roots and shoots where it ...
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